Simply putting, this exercise is biceps curl done in reverse grip (or overhand grip). That is hold the bar with reverse grip such that your palms are facing backwards or towards the ground. This exercise is mainly targeted for forearms and biceps because of which this exercise is suggested to those who want to target forearms.
Form is very important for this workout. Please check below carefully the exercise movement for this workout.
Biceps Reverse Curls - Exercise Movement
Biceps Reverse Curls
Workout Step 1Workout Step 2Workout Step 3

Stand upright, your feet hip width apart, with the bar resting across your thighs. Grip the bar just wider than shoulder-width. Take an overhand grip on the bar, with your knuckles to the front and the palm of your hands should be facing down (also called as pronated grip). This will be your starting position.

Keeping your elbows tight against your body and your feet firmly planted, start to raise the bar toward your upper chest. Fix your wrist inline with your forearms.Continue the movement until your biceps are fully contracted and the bar is at shoulder level. Hold the contracted position for a second as you squeeze the muscle.

Once at the peak position, exhale and slowly begin to lower the bar back to the starting position. Ensure that you lower the weight slowly and feel the resistance even while lowering the weight. Take the bar all the way down to the start position keeping your elbow close to your body. Repeat the entire cycle.