It would not be wrong to say that losing weight is less about efforts and more about dedication and determination. We know what needs to be done to attain that goal of an ideal weight however, we all our restricted in our own little ways. We know that we need to exercise, but we do not have time; we know that we need to follow our diet plan but it turns out to be tedious and expensive so on and so forth. However, we will now tell you about a globally followed regimen for losing weight known as 7 Days GM Diet – Indian Version. It has been reported that with this 7 days diet plan, people have lost from 2 kg to 7 kg in just a week. If you are determined to achieve your goal, then there cannot be an easier way to lose weight than the 7 Days GM Diet.
Incase you are in a hurry and want the full GM Diet Plan in a single file for quick reference. Then dont worry, we have converted the entire 7 Days GM Diet Plan into a PDF Cheat Sheet. Feel free to download the copy below and refer to it as you go on GM diet plan.
Since this article is very long, we have created the below table of content to allow you to jump to any section directly.
We are pretty sure most of you must be new to the term GM Diet. Hence, let us give you a brief introduction to this routine. The term GM diet came into existence somewhere in the year 1985. It is said that GM stands for General Motors (An automobile manufacturing company) and it came up with this diet plan to ensure that its employees are in best shape and health. GM collaborated with the US FDA and Department of Agriculture to study this diet plan and got it tested for efficiency at the Hopkins Research Centre. Now all this being said, there is no documented evidence that it was actually General Motors that came up with this diet plan. GM spokespersons have repeatedly denied that there is no such thing as a GM Diet Plan and hence, no one knows why it called the GM Diet plan. It is also popularly called as the Sacred Heart Diet or the Cabbage Soup Diet.
Now, if you remember, we said we will share with you the 7 Day GM Diet – “Indian Version”. The globally followed GM diet plan includes non-vegetarian components for its Day 5 and Day 6 diet plan. However, since many Indians have several restrictions when it comes to a non-veg diet; the GM plan was slightly modified and made vegetarian to suit our needs. With this simple substitution, we got the 7 Day GM Diet which turns out to be the best Indian vegetarian diet to Lose Weight.
How does the GM Diet work?
You might be wondering how one can lose about 7 kg of weight in just a week right. The answer lies in its ingredients. The diet plan follows a sequence and subjects your body to a different set of ingredients that boost your body’s metabolism and help in flushing out the waste and toxins i.e. a thorough detoxification. The ingredients have been selected such that they burn more calories and thus, avoid deposition of fat in your body. After 7 days, your body tends to have a rejuvenated metabolism and digestive system. You feel light, energetic and you are in a better shape.
Prepare yourself for the 7 Day GM diet
There are some things that you need to keep in mind before you start with your 7 Day routine.
- Water Intake:
One of the requirements for the success of the GM diet is excessive intake of water. Ideal consumption is to have at least 8-10 glasses of water a day. If you are not used to having large amounts of water then it might get difficult for you to instantly start having 10 glasses once on the GM diet. So, prepare your body for it. In a week or two prior to the start of the GM diet, gradually start increasing your water consumption. This will prepare your body for the targeted week.
- No alcohol:
The GM diet is basically a restart for your entire metabolism. It flushes your entire gut and thus, alcohol consumption is to be avoided. Alcohol causes water retention in the body and thus, it will drastically reduce the efficiency of the entire plan. Stop having alcohol at least a week prior to the targeted day so that your body is completely free of alcohol. While on the plan, have as much water as possible. Additionally, you can have Black tea or coffee and green tea without any added sugar.
- Stock your house:
GM Diet involves good amounts of fruits and vegetables. Hence, make sure that your refrigerator is stocked well for the upcoming days. It is advisable to have a variety of vegetables and fruits so that you get a holistic diet. GM Diet does not put a restriction on the consumption of fruits and vegetables. You can have as such as you want throughout the day. Hence, buy a good quantity for yourself. (We will share with you below the list of vegetables and fruits you should go for).
- Consult your physician:
GM Diet Plan subjects your body to something that you are not used to. If you are healthy and simply need to lose weight then this is a perfect way out for you. However, if you have medical conditions like diabetes, hyper or hypo tension, heart conditions, you are pregnant or a lactating mother, then it is better to consult your doctor before starting with the GM diet. Consult with your doctor what vegetables and fruits you can have, whether you can have your medicines along with such a plan etc.
- Exercise:
GM is a cleansing process for your body. You restrict certain ingredient and have certain ingredients in excess. To make sure that your body copes up with this well, try to exercise for around 30 to 45 minutes each day. This will loosen up your muscles and prevent any kind of fatigue. Start this routine a week prior so that your body is not cramped in the targeted week.
7 Days GM Diet
Here is your 7 Day plan that will help you to lose about 2 to 7 kg in a week. Let us tell you that it requires a lot of determination to successfully complete this diet plan. You might get food cravings, your sweet tooth might go wild, you might miss your favorite aerated drinks etc. Prepare your mind well in advance for what you are about to start. Keep reminding yourself that in just 7 days you will achieve what you want. If you pull thorough first two days then you will definitely complete the 7 days without breaking any sweat.
Day 1 All Fruits Day
The day one of your diet plan focuses on preparing your system for the upcoming days. Fruits are rich in water, vitamins, and other nutrients that your body needs. This will also kick start your process of detoxification. On Day 1, you will have only fruits and nothing else. Right from your breakfast to your dinner, the only thing on your plate would be fruits, fruits and just fruits. You can have as much as you want. There is no cap on the upper limit. Eat 5 times or 20 times a day, but you will consume only fruits. Do not add anything to the fruits like sugars, syrups etc.
Fruits to have: Watermelons, melons, lime, apples, strawberries, pomegranates and oranges. These are the fruits you should largely have on the Day 1. Melons and watermelons will help you to stay full for long so have more of these.
Fruits not to have: Grapes, bananas, litchi and mangoes. These fruits are high on glycemic index and probably this is the reason that they are restricted. Bananas will become a part of your routine ahead. At least on Day 1 say no to Bananas.
Alternate Fruits that can be consumed during GM 7 Days Diet
Fruits will be a part of your GM Diet for the first 3 days. Hence, make sure that you have a variety of fruits in good quantities to get maximum benefits. Since some fruits are seasonal and cannot be found easily, here is the list of alternate fruits that you can choose from for your GM diet.
Fruit | Properties |
Watermelon | This fruit is rich in water content and has only 30 calories per 100 grams. |
Musk Melon | Every 100 gm has 90 gm of water. Hence, it is very low in calories and is quite filling. |
Guava | This fruit has a very glow glycemic index and each 100 gram has less than 1 gram of fat. If you are diabetic have more of these. |
Apple | This is yet another fruit low on glycemic index. Each 100 gram of apple contains about 85 grams of water and less than 0.2 gram of fat. |
Pear | It is a good source of dietary fibers and hence, keeps you full for long. |
Oranges | Members of the citrus family are health promoters due to their Vitamin C and mineral content. Each 100 gram of Orange contains about 87 grams of water and less than 0.2 grams of fat. The tanginess of the fruit can also help you to fight the food cravings. |
Grapefruit | This fruit is very low on carbs (only about 9 grams per 100 grams). Besides being rich in minerals and vitamins, this fruits has only about 0.1 grams of fat and 90 grams of water per 100 grams. (Please note that grapefruit is different from grape). |
Berries | These are great source of antioxidants and thus, very useful for detoxification. Go for blue berries for efficient weight loss. |
Pomegranates | This contains a good amount of fiber, vitamins especially Vitamin C and minerals. Most of the fiber comes from the seeds. So do not discard the seeds. |
Kiwi | Due to its high dietary fiber content, kiwis a fruit of choice for weight loss plans. |
Day 1 Diet Plan:
This is just one of the suggestive diet plans for the day 1. You do not have to be restricted to this. Just ensure that you stick to the All Fruits diet. Fruits will provide with minimal to no carbohydrates. Thus, you are bound to feel light by the end of your first day itself. Also, ensure that you have plenty water.
Breakfast: The breakfast should be richest meal of the day. So start your day with a plateful of fruits like melon, papaya and apple coupled with up to 1 to 2 glasses of water. These fruits being rich in fiber and pectin, keep you full for longer. Also, being sweet, they would combat the unnecessary cravings too.
Lunch: Try to have more of watery fruits on the lunch. Have your lunch between 12 to 2 pm. You can have 1 to 2 bowls of apples or watermelons. You can also have kiwi as it is very nutritious and also keeps you full for long. Kiwi smoothie is rather popular among people who want to lose weight. Have about 2 glasses of water.
Dinner: You can have oranges, kiwi, pear, guava, melons or any other fruit of your choice for dinner. Avoid more of melons in the night as they take more time to get digested. Have up to 2 glasses of water along with the fruits.
Besides the three main meals, incorporate fruits and only fruits for you morning and evening snacks. Whenever you get hunger pangs, have a fruit and 1 to 2 glasses of water.
A Sample for Day 1 Diet Plan:
Meal | Menu |
Breakfast | 1 medium sized apple, 1 glass of water |
Mid-Morning Snack | 1 bowl of musk melon, 1 glass of water |
Lunch | 2 slices of watermelon, 2 glasses of water |
Afternoon Snack | 1 orange, 1 glass of water |
Evening Snack | 1 pear, 1 glass of water |
Dinner | 1 guava, 1/2 grapefruit, 2 glasses of water |
Day 2 All Vegetables Day
While your first day is all fruits day, the second day is solely dedicated to vegetables. This day will subject your body to a complete detoxification process. Your body by now will already feel light and more agile due to an all fruit diet on Day 1. Vegetables are rich in water content, minerals and most importantly fibers that are essential to clean your gut. Again, there is no restriction on the amount of vegetables that you can intake. It is as per your satiety. All you have to ensure is that you do not have anything else other than vegetables.
Vegetables to have: Cucumber, cabbage, broccoli, onions, tomatoes, spinach, cauliflower etc. Potatoes too are included, but only once a day. You can have all the watery vegetables.
Vegetables not to have: Try to avoid peas and corn or any other starchy vegetable.
Alternate Vegetables that can be consumed during GM 7 Days Diet
Vegetables will be a part of your throughout the GM Diet from Day 2 onwards. Hence, make sure that you have a variety of vegetables in good quantities to get maximum benefits. These are the vegetables that you can choose from for your GM diet.
Vegetables | Properties |
Potato | Potato is rich is carbohydrates i.e. starch. Hence, it not supposed to be consumed in large amounts. However, boiled up starch does help in fat oxidation. |
Cucumber | This vegetable is rich in its water content and has very little fat and calorie content. 100 grams of cucumber has only 0.1 gram of fat and about 95 grams of water |
Cabbage | This vegetable is a must for any weight loss diet plan. Each 100 gram of cabbage has only about 0.1 gram of fat. It is rich in antioxidants as well. |
Lettuce | This vegetable is a major comment for any healthy salad. Each 100 gram has about 95 gram of water and only 0.2 gram of fat. |
Broccoli | This vegetable has several chemical constituents and anti-oxidants that help to cut down on the body fat. |
Carrot | This vegetable is not only good for weight loss but also has a positive effect on the eyes and the skin. Each 100 gram has 85 grams of water and 3 grams of dietary fibers. |
Onions | This vegetable is rich in sulfur compounds and thus, has many health benefits. Onions also helps in aiding digestion. |
Spinach | This leafy vegetable is rich in fiber, water and iron content. It is very low in sugar content as well has only about 0.4 gram of fat per 100 grams. |
Bell Pepper | This vegetable is rich in vitamin C and antioxidants and thus, a perfect ingredient for a detoxifying diet plan. It is preferable to have red pepper over green. |
Cauliflower | This vegetable has a good amount of Vitamin C, folic acid and dietary fibers. Each 100 gram has about 92 gram of water. |
Day 2 Diet Plan:
The rule is to have as many vegetables as you can both in terms of quantity and variety. If you are fond of salads then prepare the salad of your choice. You should have either raw or boiled vegetables. You can sprinkle a spice of your choice like black pepper or oregano to improve the taste. You can also squeeze some amount of lemon to add a bit of palatability.
Breakfast: Since your body was off carbs on Day 1, you need to have a source of energy to begin your Day 2. So have a boiled potato for breakfast. You can add a dab of butter or olive oil to it so that this breakfast can give you enough energy for the rest of the day. If available, you can also replace regular potato with a sweet potato. You must not have potato after this, throughout the day. Have up to 2 glasses of water in the breakfast.
Lunch: The lunch should be light and include vegetables that are rich in water. Have more of salads and raw vegetables. Ingredients like cabbage, cucumber and lettuce have sufficient water and fiber content to keep you full for long. Have up to 2 glasses of water along with the meal.

Dinner: For your dinner, rely more on green vegetables like spinach, broccoli, lettuce, cabbage etc. Simply boil these vegetables and have them with a little bit of lemon or pepper on them. Have up to 2 glasses of water along with the meal.
Mid day snacks: You can have fresh lettuce or cabbage. Cherry tomatoes will serve as a good mid day snack as their taste tends to subdue the craving as well. Whenever you feel hungry, have 1 to 2 glasses of water. Keep your body well hydrated throughout the day.
A Sample for Day 2 Diet Plan:
Meal | Menu |
Breakfast | 1 boiled potato with a teaspoon of butter |
Late Morning Snack | cabbage & lettuce salad, water 1 or 2 glasses |
Lunch | 1 cucumber, 1 onion, half carrot, water 1 or 2 glasses |
Afternoon Snack | A cup boiled of broccoli, 1/2 cup sliced bell pepper, water 1 or 2 glasses |
Evening Snack | A cup of boiled cauliflower, water 1 or 2 glasses |
Dinner | A mix of boiled beet, green beans, broccoli, and carrots, water 1 or 2 glasses |
Day 3 Fruit + Vegetable Day
The third day focuses on a blend of Day 1 and Day 2. On the first day, we focused only on fruits to have a non-carb diet. On the second day, we focused on vegetables to take in a fiber rich diet. Now we will mix the two and have an all fruit and vegetable diet for the Day 3 of your 7 Day GM Diet. With such water rich, nutritious and low on fat and carb ingredients on your plate, your body’s newly cleansed digestive tract gets the perfect boost to kick starts its activities.
Day 3 Diet Plan:
Yet again, the rule is pretty simple. You have to consume as many vegetables and fruits as you can along with sufficient intake of water. We have already told you which fruits and vegetables you can consume and which of them are restricted. On the day 3, you will follow the same instructions. From the list of vegetables and fruits you can decide what combination you want to have. You just have to ensure that by the end of the day, you have consumed a good variety of fruits and vegetables.
Breakfast: It is always better to have a sufficient breakfast so that your body is ready to for the busy day ahead. You many start your day with apples or melons just like Day 1 or boiled potato with a dab of butter just like Day 2. You can also mix the two and have 1 small apple and 1 boiled potato for breakfast. This will give you enough energy and keep you satiated till lunch. However, please remember that you cannot have any more potato throughout the day. Have up to 2 glasses of water.

Lunch: You can again go for a blend of fruits and vegetables with a little more preference to vegetables. Just like Day 2, have cabbage, lettuce, cucumber, spinach, tomatoes, etc. Add a few slices of one or two fruits to give you a little variety and some sweet taste to beat the craving. Remember that the vegetables either needs to be raw of parboiled. For flavor you can have an olive oil or vinegar dressing. Have up to 2 glasses of water.
Dinner: Salads would be a good option for dinner as they are light, easy to make and really fulfilling. Alternatively, you can have parboiled vegetables and garnish them black pepper, oregano or chili flakes and some lemon juice. This will give you some flavor as well. You can have some fruits after this as your dessert for the day. Have up to 2 glasses of water.
Mid Day Snack: We would suggest that have more of fruits for your snacks as the sweet and tangy flavors will help to kill the cravings. Along with fruits you can also have broccoli and cherry tomatoes. Support your mid day snacks with good amount of water to kill the hunger.
A Sample for Day 3 Diet Plan:
Meal | Menu |
Breakfast | 1 bowl of musk melon or 1 apple, 2 glasses of water |
Mid-Morning Snack | 1 pear, 1 cup sliced pineapples, 2 glasses of water |
Lunch | A bowl of mixed carrots, cucumber, onions & lettuce, 2 glasses of water |
Afternoon Snack | 1 orange or grapefruit, 1 glass of water |
Evening Snack | 1 pear or 1 guava |
Dinner | A bowl of boiled broccoli, 1/2 boiled beet, 1/2 cup boiled raw papaya, 2 glasses of water |
Day 4 (Banana, Milk and Soup Day)
Day 4 of the GM Diet plan comes as big surprise for all those who have stuck to the plan until now. The first 3 days of the plan have been no carbs diet. We only had vegetables and fruits. To help your body in coping with all the carbs that it has lost and to replenish minerals like potassium and sodium that are largely lost due to excessive water intake; Day 4 will solely focus on restoration with Bananas, Milk and Soup.
Day 4 Diet Plan:
Banana is rich in carbs, potassium and sodium and thus, on Day 4 this fruit will act as your balance restorer. You can have up to 6 to 8 bananas and up to 4 glasses of milk throughout the day. Once in the day, you can have the luxury of having a soup. Drink 8 to 10 glasses of water throughout the day.
Breakfast: You can kick start your day with a highly energizing combination of bananas and milk. You can have about 2 bananas and 1 glass of milk for the breakfast. This will give you sufficient energy until lunch. You can have bananas and milk separately or you can slice the bananas and pour cold milk over it and have it.
Lunch: Since, banana and milk is all you have to play with, you can make your lunch interesting by choosing different recipes of consuming them. If you want you can have banana milk shake or smoothie (without adding any sugar). Making milkshake or smoothie is almost similar. Simple blend the two ingredients and add water or ice to give the consistency that you desire. This is a refreshing way of having banana and milk. Do not forget to have sufficient water.
Dinner: Having banana and milk throughout the day can be a little depressing. So for dinner, give yourself the luxury of having a soup. The most beneficial soups to go for would be tomato soup and cabbage soup. They are highly nutritious, keep you full and have a natural flavor to them. Soup is also preferable during night as it is light as compared to milk and banana combo.

If you want you can add more vegetables to the soup and make it a mix vegetable soup.
Mid Day Snack: Well there is not much to play with here. For your mid day snack too you will have just bananas and milk. If you had smoothie for lunch, then you can have milk shake for mid day snack and vice-versa. Have sufficient water to keep your stomach full and body hydrated.
A Sample for Day 4 Diet Plan:
Meal | Menu |
Breakfast | 2 bananas, 1 glass of milk |
Mid-Morning Snack | Banana shake made with 1 banana and 1 glass of milk |
Lunch | 2 bananas and 1 glass of milk |
Afternoon Snack | Banana smoothie made with 1 banana and 1 glass of milk |
Evening Snack | 1 pear or 1 guava |
Dinner | 1 bowl of vegetable soup |
Day 5 Protein & Paneer Day
Finally, it is time to bring protein back into the frame. Until Day 4, you focused on fibers, sodium, potassium, vitamins, minerals etc. Your muscles will start feeling the lack of protein by now. Hence, now with Day 5, we will put you on a protein rich diet so that your muscles don’t succumb to fatigue. This day will also give you a break from the monotony of fruits and vegetables. The global version of GM Diet actually has consumption of meat on Day 5. We have substituted it veg. sources of proteins in the Indian version.
Day 5 Diet Plan:
With day 5, you have the luxury of having sprouts, tomatoes and cottage cheese i.e. paneer, yummy right. You can consume around 6 tomatoes and around 250 to 500 grams of paneer throughout the day. If you are not so fond of paneer, then you can have some soya chunks too as well as some low fat curd.
Breakfast: You can start your day with a healthy breakfast consisting of sprouts and tomatoes. Sprouts are very nutritious and they keep you fulfilled for long. Similarly, you can also have soya chunks, boiled and sprinkled with salt and pepper. For some palatability, you can use 1 tsp of olive oil and toss the boiled soya chunks in it to make them a little crispier. Have a good amount of water.
Lunch: For lunch, you can have a protein rich soup consisting of mixed vegetables and add paneer chunks to it. This will give you loads of nutrients and will keep you satiated sufficiently. Don’t forget to have a good amount of water. You can also try your hands on palak paneer without using much of oil and spices.

Dinner: For dinner you can again experiment with a different soup. You can also have something like Scrambled paneer or paneer bhurji if you want. Simply chop some vegetables like bell pepper, onions, tomatoes, a few green chilies and toss it in a pan with 1 tsp of olive oil. Once it is nicely sauteed, toss in fine paneer chunks to it. This is just like making scrambled eggs. Also have up to 2 glasses of water.
Mid Day Snacks: For your snack meals you can have a good amount of sprouts. The easiest and yummiest way of having sprouts is to make a sprout salad. Take the sprouts that you want in a dish, put some finely chopped onions, tomatoes, and 1 spoon of olive oil to it. Sprinkle salt, and chili flakes and roasted jeera powder on it. Mix it well and your sprout salad is ready. Have a good amount of water with it. Alternatively, you can also have curd with a pinch of salt.
A Sample for Day 5 Diet Plan:
Meal | Menu |
Breakfast | 2 tomatoes, a bowl of sprouts seasoned with salt, pepper and lemon, 2 glasses of water |
Mid-Morning Snack | A cup of tofu or curd, 2 glasses of water |
Lunch | Palak paneer, a couple of tomatoes sprinkled with salt, 2 glasses of water |
Afternoon Snack | Sprouts salad garnished with diced onions, lemon juice and a pinch of salt, 2 glasses of water |
Evening Snack | A Cup of curd, 2 Glasses of Water |
Dinner | Vegetable Soup, soya chunk curry or scrambled paneer, cucumber and tomato salad made from 1 cucumber and 2 tomatoes, 2 glasses of water |
Day 6 No Tomato Day
On the Day 6 of the 7-Day GM diet, you need to continue with the protein rich diet. You will continue to have sprouts, cottage cheese, vegetables but excluding tomatoes. While on the Day 5, you relied heavily on tomatoes, on Day 6, you need to avoid it. Continue to have soups, par cooked vegetables and a great amount of water. You will start noticing a great change in your body by now.
Day 6 Diet Plan:
Soup is encouraged on Day 6 as well as it lets have a good amount of vegetables in a healthy and tasty manner. Soup also allows intake of a good amount of water. All the vegetables provide you great amounts of fiber that help in keeping your gut at its functional best. Cottage cheese, soya chunks, etc. will take care of the protein requirement.
Breakfast: You can start your day with a nice bowl of sprouts or boiled kidney beans along with 2 to 3 glasses of water. You can use some spices like black pepper, oregano, chili flakes etc. to add a little flavor to your breakfast bowl. You can also have a bowl of salad if you wish including vegetables like cabbage, bell pepper, carrots etc. You must not have tomatoes or potatoes. If you wish you can munch on a fruit except for banana.
Lunch: You make your lunch fulfilling by having a nice bowl of yummy hot cabbage soup. We told you above that GM Diet is also called as the Cabbage soup diet. It is because cabbage soup is a great weight loss tonic and you can have as much cabbage soup as you want. Alternatively, you can have the mixed vegetable cottage cheese soup if you want for lunch.

Dinner: For dinner you can have scrambled cottage cheese or you can go for slightly tossed soya chunks. Add to this a light salad. Have an apple or an orange to appease you sweet craving. Also consume lots of water along with your meal.
Mid Day Snacks: Rely on sprouts largely for your snacks as they are tasty and keep you full for long. Sprouts salad is a good option. You can have more of soup for your snack time as well. A few slices of fruits can also be a part of your mid day snack. Remember to have a good amount of water.
A Sample for Day 6 Diet Plan:
Meal | Menu |
Breakfast | 1 bowl of mixed boiled or sauteed vegetables or sprouts, 2 glasses of water |
Mid-Morning Snack | 1/2 medium sized bowl of boiled kidney beans with 1 tomato diced seasoned with pinch of salt and other spices, 2 glasses of water |
Lunch | 1 medium sized bowl of vegetable soup, 2 glasses of water |
Afternoon Snack | 1 apple, 1 glass of water |
Evening Snack | A small bowl of lentils (boiled or sprouted) sprinkled with lemon juice and a pinch of salt, 1 glass of water |
Dinner | A bowl of boiled vegetables, 1 glass of water |
Day 7 Rice and Chapatti Day
This is the last and final day of your difficult 7 Day GM Diet Plan. If you have reached till here then you should be really proud of yourself. On this day, you will get a little liberty as you have done everything as suggested in the last 6 days. You can have fruit juices, 1 to 2 cups of BROWN RICE and ½ to 1 Chapatti. Continue to have vegetables and fruits.
Day 7 Diet Plan:
You have to make sure that you do not deviate from the diet plan just because this is the last day. Even Day 7 is very important. Since for the past 6 days, your body has been completely aloof from starch; on Day 7, you can again introduce healthy starch in your diet like having brown rice preferably and having wheat chapatti. You can have sprouts as well.
Breakfast: Since the idea is to burn calories during the day, we suggest that you have rice in the morning itself. However, if you wish to have it for lunch, then have a breakfast consisting of sprouts or fruits. Have melons or watermelon and papaya as they will keep you full for long.
Lunch: You can have a basic lunch with a bowl of boiled brown rice and some slightly cooked vegetables like cabbage or bell pepper or broccoli. Even today, keep potatoes off the menu. To make this boring lunch a little interesting, you can cook the rice and vegetables together to make a pulav.

Dinner: Since, you already had rice for lunch, try having chapatti for dinner. Have 1 chapatti with a vegetable. Make sure that the vegetable is not too oily or spicy. You are still on a diet don’t forget. After this have a vegetable salad or a fruit of your choice. Have sufficient amount of water.
Mid Day Snacks: You can have fruit or vegetable salad or sprouts salad for your snacks. You can also go for any kind of soup like cabbage soup, tomato soup or mixed vegetable soup. You can also grab a bite of your favorite fruit. You can have what you want. Keep having sufficient water to keep the hunger pangs under control.
A Sample for Day 7 Diet Plan:
Meal | Menu |
Breakfast | 1 bowl of melon or musk melons, 1 glass of water glasses of water |
Mid-Morning Snack | A handful of berries or 1 cup carrot sticks, 1 glass of water |
Lunch | 1 cup of cooked brown rice, 1 bowl of lightly sauteed vegetables, 2 glasses of water |
Afternoon Snack | 1 apple or 1 pear, 1 glass of water |
Evening Snack | 1 guava, 1 glass of water |
Dinner | 1 bowl of mixed vegetable soup, 2 glasses of water |
This is a detailed layout of your 7 Day GM Diet Plan – Indian Version or Vegetarian Version. If you are able to keep complete this successfully then nothing can keep you from losing 2 to 7 kg in just a week. It might sound miraculous, but GM diet is based on a very simple concept that if you burn more than you eat then you will lose weight. By limiting your food intake, you ensure that the body is burning all the possible accumulated glycogen and calories thus, promoting your weight loss.
Things to remember:
- 7 days complete one GM cycle. You can subject your body through as many cycles as you want. Just ensure that there is a gap of 2 to 3 days between two 7 Day Plans.
- Whether you are on a diet plan or not, you need to have sufficient amount of water. Keeping your body well hydrated is one of the pre-requisites of good health. Have around 8 glasses of water at least on your regular days. The more the better.
- It is better to have some amount of exercise each day to maintain a healthy body. To ensure that the effect of the GM diet stays for long, exercise for at least 30 to 45 minutes a day.
Pros and Cons of GM Diet:
Although the GM diet does a great job, it is not completely flawless. There are some pluses and some minuses as well.
- The biggest advantage is that the GM Diet Plan can be followed by anyone. Be it a student, a housewife or an elderly person. Since, it simply controls and modifies what you eat, its applicability is impressive.
- Another positive thing is that, it surely has helped a lot of people is losing weight. Even though there is no documented evidence, people who have followed a GM Diet plan have definitely seen great results.
- You have to rely on fruits and vegetables and sprouts that are easily available in a local market. Hence, preparing for the diet is not actually a hassle. Compared to the paid weight loss plans, GM Diet Plan is freely available on the net and the ingredients are not that expensive.
- The most bothersome disadvantage of a GM Diet plan is the bounce back effect. People have definitely lost weight while on the diet plan. However, once they resumed their regular diet and life, their body bounced back to the original weight. Thus, it can be said that even after the plan is over, you have to monitor your diet and lifestyle strictly to have a long term effect.
- You may get headaches and muscle cramps in the first 3 days of the Diet Plan. Depriving your body completely of carbs and proteins in the first 3 days has its effect on the muscles. You need to be physically active to overcome the cramping.
- While you do have a lot of fruits and vegetables, you deprive your body of protein and fats which are also very essential for the body. Hence, following a GM Diet plan repeatedly can definitely cause nutritional deficiencies.
- The cabbage soup that is highly prescribed is very rich in sodium. Having large amounts for longer duration can again lead to nutritional deficiencies as increased sodium will cause excretion of other elements. Increase sodium can also be problematic hypertensive patients.
To sum it up, we would say that such a promising plan is definitely worth a try. If bounce back effect is a concern, then ensure that follow the principle of a healthy lifestyle and a balanced diet. It is not difficult to plan your dietary and exercise routines. You can do at least this much for a great and admirable physique right?
So what are you waiting for? Your dream physique is not that far after all. Get on the GM diet Plan and shed those extra kilos from your body in just 7 Days. We are sure that you can do it! All the Best.
Disclaimer: Team IBB has provided this information for educational purposes only, and any decision on the reader’s part to use this information is their personal choice. IBB is not a medical organization authorized to provide medical advice or diagnosis. Please seek the advice of a qualified physician before deciding to opt for any weight loss program of any kind.
Give me dirt plan excluding paneer
can I use salt and lemon in day 123..
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