Biceps High Pulley Curls

Biceps Workout High Pulley Curls

High pulley curls is very good exercise for your biceps peak. It resembles the front double biceps pose. This exercise can be done one arm at a time or both the arms simultaneously. The advantage of performing this exercise on a cable pulley machine instead of using a barbell or dumbbell is that the pulley keeps working your biceps muscles throughout the entire range of motion.

Form is very important for this workout. Please check below carefully the exercise movement for this workout.

Biceps High Pulley Curls - Exercise Movement
Biceps High Pulley Curls - Exercise  Movement
Biceps High Pulley Curls
Workout Step 1Workout Step 2Workout Step 3
Biceps High Pulley CurlsSet the pulley to a high position. Stand at 90 degree angle to the pulley such that pulley is to your right. Grip the pulley handle with your palms and keep your arms fully streched.This will be your starting position
Biceps High Pulley CurlsCurl the handles towards you until they are next to your ears. Make sure that as you do so you flex your biceps. Ensure to contract your biceps throug out this movement. The upper arms should remain stationary and only the forearms should move. Hold for a second in the contracted position as you squeeze the biceps.
Biceps High Pulley CurlsSlowly bring back the arms to the starting position.Ensure that you feel the resistance while you are dropping the weight down.

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