Ever wondered whether the eggs you eat are really that healthy or safe?
Eggs are one of those few foods that are considered to be complete protein, because they contain all 9 essential amino acids. With 6 grams of highest quality protein and 14 key nutrients, eggs are the most preferred food for a healthy and active lifestyle.
Eggs are vital to a healthy diet for all and especially for bodybuilders. A bodybuilder’s diet is much higher in protein than that of average people. Eggs contain a very high about 6 grams of high quality protein along with a rich source of vitamins and essential amino acids that are required for optimal muscle building and recovery. With eggs playing such a pivotal role in your diet, it is of course important to know the real story behind the eggs!
Are the eggs or chicken in India really safe?

In a study conducted by Centre for Disease Dynamics, Economics and Policy (CDDEP) a public health research organisation, high levels of antibiotic-resistance was found in poultry farms in Punjab. The researchers warned that chickens raised for both meat and eggs on Indian farms showed high levels of antibiotic-resistant pathogens, posing a serious health concern.
“Use of antibiotics for growth promotion in farm animals has increased worldwide in response to rising demand for food animal products,” the CDDEP team noted. (Source: NDTV.com)
Egg contamination due to unhygienic and poor rearing of poultry animals and lack of quality control measures in India is a rampant issue for which FSSAI needs to deploy safety measures. Salmonella is a food poisoning that occurs due to consumption of such contaminated eggs or chicken about which many consumers and even the poultry farmers or traders are unaware.
Same goes with the broiler chicken that are most commonly found to be infected with Salmonella, and contain high doses of growth hormones, antibiotics and other toxins.
Can we really get healthy and nutritious eggs and chicken in India?
This is exactly what the brand Sowbhaagya Ayur Eggs (Ayuregg.com), an innovative start-up has put its effort into, by producing healthy, safe and near organic eggs in India.

Ayur Farms are known to be the most hygienic and animal welfare oriented farms where country hens are reared completely free of cage. Unlike regular broiler chickens, these hens are fed with nutritious ayurvedic (herbal) feed consisting of turmeric, flaxseed, garlic, drumstick leaves, amla etc. which are known to be highly nutritious with medicinal properties.
These hens naturally develop immunity against various poultry infection and diseases. Eggs laid by these hens are rich in nutrients like Omega 3, DHA, Choline, Selenium, Carotenoids, Vitamin D, E, Iron, and more. Moreover, these eggs are odourless and have a rich taste. Sowbhagyaa Ayur Eggs also provide all natural and juicy chicken meat.
Watch Ayur Farms with luscious green fields similar to hen’s natural habitat
Why prefer Ayur Eggs and Chicken over regular ones?
As people are growing aware of a healthy lifestyle and the key role that eggs play in it, there is a constant rapid increase in demand for chicken and eggs. To meet this growing demand, hens are caged and reared in unhygienic conditions causing these hens to fall sick. To increase their life span, hens are regularly given antibiotics, hormones, steroids and other toxins. Hormonal imbalance, multi drug resistance, food poisoning, liver damage, liver cancer to name a few are the health risks associated with consumption of such eggs or chicken.
Ayur Eggs are near organic eggs, laid by hens which are fed with nutritious herbal and ayurvedic feed. This boosts the natural immunity of hen from day one. Apart from increasing the hen’s immunity, beneficial nutrients are enriched in every egg laid by the hen. Ayur Eggs are odourless and are completely safe for consumption by pregnant women as well. The colour of the egg yolk is quite different from that of the regular eggs.
For people into fitness or sports like bodybuilders and physique athletes the consumption of eggs is quite high as compared to average due to high protein needs. These dietary needs cannot be sufficiently met with the regular eggs, as the regular eggs are not only found deficient in natural vitamins, minerals and amino acids required to build muscles, but also intoxicated with antibiotics and steroids that inhibit proper muscle growth and recovery.
For any training plan, muscle recovery is an extremely important stage, Ayur Eggs are rich in high quality protein vitamins, minerals and essential amino acids, they also contain higher amounts of DHA and Omega 3 that are required for strengthening and recovery of muscles.
These eggs and chicken are completely free of any artificial chemicals, hormones, antibiotics or genetically modified organisms.
Watch the benefits of nutritious and all natural Ayur Eggs
What all products can you buy at Ayur Eggs and how?
Ayur Egg products are currently available for home delivery only in Hyderabad through the Ayur E-store . The brand has been recently launched in Mumbai as well. In Mumbai you can find Ayur Eggs in Foodhall at Linking road and Palladium Mall at Lower Parel.
1. Ayur Desi Eggs
Ayur Desi eggs are the finest quality eggs produced by Natti breed chickens. These are organic, free range and super rich in Omega3.
2. Free Range Ayur Eggs
These are nutritious free range eggs produced by chickens that are grazed on lush green pastures and are completely cage free.
3. Ayur+ Eggs
Ayur+ eggs are eggs laid by white hens that are fed with nutritious ayurvedic feed & additional marine algae to enhance their DHA nutrition & Omega 3.
4. Ayur Chicken
Ayur Chicken is natural and juicy as they are bolstered with homegrown nutritious ayurvedic feed
To buy Sowbhaagya Ayur Eggs products at Hyderabad shop online at https://ayuregg.com/shop/ and use coupon code AYURIB830 to avail a discount of 30% on minimum order of Rs. 90/- only on Ayur E-store.
*Applicable only with Desi and free range eggs, only 30 coupons available.
Choose natural, stay healthy with near organic Sowbhaagya Ayur Eggs!
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