If you put your heart into something, you can become not just good but probably the best at it. Such is the case with our WBFF Pro Nitin Singh. The entrepreneur who nurtured his strong passion for bodybuilding with such dedication that he went onto become the Best Male Muscle Model at Jerai Classic 2017. Nitin is now the proud owner of a WBFF Pro Card. We couldn’t wait but talk to this extraordinary athlete who startled everyone with his very first performance. Check out Nitin Singh’s journey so far with this exclusive interview.
1) What’s your story? How did you enter into fitness or bodybuilding?
I am an entrepreneur and working with my father since I was 21. Around three years back I even launched my own fashion label called BoSquare – I am a designer as well. In 2014, I had acted in a Bhojpuri movie, so that makes me an actor too. Another designation – Bodybuilder was added to this list at Jerai 2017 in Jan.
I have been into fitness since 8 to 9 years now. It happened with time, and after meeting a few people in life, I became an athlete. However, I have always been like this. After my school and college, I would go the gym and I loved having a nice body. It has got nothing to do with right people; I have always been like this.
2) What are your biggest achievements so far when it comes to bodybuilding?
My first biggest achievement was bagging the first spot at the Jerai Classic Mumbai 2017 in the Male Muscle Model category. One day later, I was announced as the first runner up at the National Level Male Muscle Model at Jerai 2017 Classic.
3) Can you tell us more about your winning journey to WBFF Pro?
Around May or June, I met Coach Rakesh Udiyar through one of my bodybuilder friends. I started training with him. Initially, I never thought that I would compete or enter a competition as that was never my plan. I was training out of passion for bodybuilding and nothing else.
It was solely because of Rakesh Udiyar’s faith and efforts in me that made me believe that I was capable of participating in such a competition. Now here I am; winner of a Pro Card. This was the icing on the cake. It was all because Rakesh Sir had complete faith in me.
4) Who are your role models
Gerardo Gabriel, he is a physique model and Calum Von Moger. These two are my role models.
5) You have been trained under master trainer Rakesh Udiyar, How did you approach him ?
Like I said, I met him through my friend Prajwal Shetty. It was never about me choosing him as a trainer. I should actually say that he chose me and showed an interest in training me as an athlete. I did approach him to get trained under him but like I said, it was out of passion for fitness and bodybuilding.
6) How was your training experience with Mr. Rakesh Udiyar?
It was hell of a ride. It has been an extremely extra ordinary experience. He is a very strict man when it comes to training. His passion and love for fitness reflects in students like me. There are rare moments where he is easy going but that would be your lucky day. I would also like to add that he is the biggest motivator that one could every find.

He keeps his students on the toes. Even if it is 12 am, 1 am or 2 am, he will make sure that his students don’t say a no for training. He will ensure that he has trained his students to their best and only then he will let them go.
7) On a typical day, what does your diet constitute of?
On a typical day my diet would be low carb only. I am a non vegetarian. I go with 750 grams of chicken everyday i.e. about 250 grams in each meal, and 200 grams of fish with greens every day. Greens for me would be asparagus, broccoli, etc. This is my low carb diet. To get carbs, I include brown rice, 100 grams in a meal.
8) How does your diet differ during the season and off-season?
Off season is when we work to gain. So we include potatoes, rice, and good carbs like oats. We put all the things in our meal. During off season, we get all the things to eat in terms of a good food. During competition, we are on a clean diet, low carb diet, etc. During competition, your body gets a good shock to reach the goal. The off season is pretty smooth.
9) How has your friends helped you in your journey to the title?
When I was getting ready to be in shape, Mr Friends – Prajwal Shetty and Affan Momin were the ones who suggested that I should choose Jerai as a platform because there you get a lot of exposure in terms of male muscle, male physique etc. There are a lot of categories there. My association actually showed me the direction in which I should go.
These days, a lot of people make body but they do not know where to showcase that body. Fortunately, I got the right guidance.
10)Since you have already made an identity for yourself in the fitness industry, what’s your plan ahead?
Honestly, I do not have a plan as of now. I do not believe in making plans, I believe in results. I want to focus on my work as that is my priority and maintain what I have made. Whatever I have done so far, I will keep doing it ahead also. I don’t have a specific desire that I have to be somewhere. I will just keep doing what I am doing with dedication and see what comes ahead.

11) What would you like to say about Jeria Fitness ?
First and foremost I would like to thank Jerai Classic India and also Mr.Rajesh Rai, the team head for giving me an opportunity to showcase my talent. I really think that the jerai classic platform is a great de for upcoming and new talents. It’s constantly growing in the field of health and fitness and that could give many a chance to prove themselves. It’s an opportunity for young and new bodybuilders to achieve great heights. I am grateful and obliged to be a part of the jerai team and it’s a big honour for me to have been associated with them

12)What would you say about IBB?
IBB is a great platform as they talk to the athletes. They actually put forward their stories. IBB takes to the real self of people and work of the athletes otherwise know one knows about their stories. Everybody needs support in life and IBB does the role of broadcasting them.
If we see someone from US or other countries, the athletes there have their own websites. Their associations cover all that and that is how we know them all the way here. IBB, on a social media platform, does a great job at broadcasting an athlete’s story because not all athletes are rich. Everyone has a little story and IBB takes it to the people irrespective of the association they come from.
Nitin achieved quite a lot in the little time he spent on stage with his dedication and years of efforts in the gym. We are sure that he will bring many more accolades in the days ahead.
Cover Pic Credit : Team Candid Cut
That could have been me as well except I had a near fatal car accident that put an end to it , as I was naturally strong