Many of us associate online wagering with specific sports such as cricket, horse racing, football, and rugby. While all of these are certainly valid observations, it should be mentioned that some niche sports are beginning to enter into the mainstream community. Bodybuilding is a popular example. Ever since the halcyon days of Eugene Sandow, some individuals have been seeking to display the ultimate sense of aesthetic perfection.
This is why it is a bit ironic that the bodybuilding community was not taken seriously until the latter half of the 1970s (and due in no small part to the contributions to Arnold Schwarzenegger). This sport is now gaining countless fans on an annual basis and such a trend should only increase in the coming years. So, might we witness a day when fans are able to bet on well-known contests such as the Mr. Universe or the Mr. Olympia? Let’s take a look at why these predictions could very well soon come to pass.

The Undeniable Allure of On-Stage Competition
Sports betting is fun, exciting and potentially profitable. This is due to the simple fact that the outcome associated with a specific event is never certain. Even those who claim to have the “inside track” on an upcoming competition are always taking a risk. So, it is easy to understand the allure. Why should bodybuilding be any different?
After all, we are talking about a handful of competitors who pose on stage and are subsequently judged by experts. When we also consider that some recent events have been associated with massive upsets in regards to the winner, it becomes clear to see why bookmakers should be eager to capitalise upon such fluid situations. Perhaps the only difference between bodybuilding and the majority of other sports is that bodybuilders are singular in nature. Extraneous variables such as team performance are not relevant. If anything, this could allow bodybuilding to represent an even more attractive wagering option.
How are Sports Betting and Bodybuilding Tentatively Related?
Similar to pastimes such as cricket which are associated with well-known betting sites such as, bodybuilding is all about competition and the best personalities rising to the top of the pack. Another important (and very attractive quality) to mention is that fans will have to take into account numerous variables in order to accurately predict a winner. Examples include diet, striations, weight, height, and stage presence. While these elements are undoubtedly different when compared to other sports, the ultimate goal is the same. Those who correctly name the victor could walk away with a tidy sum of money.
This brings us back to the main point of the article. Could bodybuilding become one of the sports advertised by online bookmakers in the near future? Unfortunately, the verdict is still out. If we assume that the popularity of this “iron discipline” continues to grow, it makes perfect sense that it will be offered as an option to those who enjoy a bit of variety when placing their wagers.