IBBF will be conducting the selection trails for the 50th Asian Body Building & Physique Sports Championship 2016 & 8th World Body Building & Physique Sports Championship 2016 on 19th July 2016. Tamil Nadu Body Builders Welfare Society, Chennai under the patronage of Indian Body Builders Federation (IBBF) will be organising the selection.
Indian team ( Bodybuilding and Mens Physique, both mens and women) will be selected for the 50th Asian Body Building & Physique Sports Championship 2016, which will be held on and from 2nd to 8th September in Bhutan and 8th World Body Building & Physique Sports Championship 2016, will be held in November at Thailand.
Following categories would be there in the trails:
A) Bodybuilding and Physique Sports Championships will include the following 10
weight categories:
i. Up to 55kg
ii. Up to 60kg
iii. Up to 65kg
iv. Up to 70kg
v. Up to 75kg
vi. Up to 80kg
vii. Up to 85kg
viii. Up to 90kg
ix. Up to 100kg
x. Over 100kg
B) Men’s Fitness Championships will include the following 2 categories
i. Up to and include 165 cm
ii. 165cm and above
C) Men’s Athletic Physique Championships will include the following 4 categories:
i. Up-to and include 160cm + 1 Kg
ii. Up-to and include 165cm + 2 Kg
iii. Up-to and include 170cm + 3 Kg
iv. Above 170cm + 4 Kg
D) Women’s Athletic Physique Championships
i. Up-to and include 160cm + 1 Kg
ii. Above 160cm + 2 Kg
E) Women’s Bodybuilding Championships will include the following 2 categories:
i. Up-to and include 52 Kg
ii. Above 52 Kg
F) Women’s Fitness Physique Championships will include the following 2
i. Class A – Up-to and include 160cm
ii. Class B – Over 160cm
G) Women’s Models Physique Championships will include the following 3
i. Class A – Up-to and include 160cm
ii. Class B – Up-to and include 165cm
iii. Class C – Above 165cm
H) Men’s Masters Bodybuilding Championships
i. 40 – 50 yrs. of age inclusive – Open Category
ii. Over 50 yrs – Open Category
I) Men’s Junior Bodybuilding Championships will include the following 2 categories:
v. Up-to and include 70 Kg
vi. Above 70 Kg
J) Men’s Sports Physique will include the following 2 categories:
vii. Up-to and include 170 cm
viii. Over 170 cm
Source : IBBF
Event Summary
IBBF will be conducting the selection trails for the 50th Asian Body Building & Physique Sports Championship 2016 & 8th World Body Building & Physique Sports Championship 2016 on 19th July 2016. Tamil Nadu Body Builders Welfare Society, Chennai under the patronage of Indian Body Builders Federation (IBBF) will be organising the selection. Indian team ( Bodybuilding …