Indian Bodybuilding Products

Kalonji (Black Seeds) for weight loss – Benefit, Usage and Side Effects

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If you look around carefully, you will see that no matter what the heath issues are, nature has a cure for it in some way or the other. One of the most talked about health issue these days is definitely obesity. In the 21st century, obesity is considered as a global epidemic with more and more people weighing higher than normal on the weighing scale. It has always been considered and felt that losing weight healthily is one of the most difficult things to achieve however, things can get simpler if we allow nature to step in. Nature has a potential candidate that can beat any weight loss product to pulp without breaking a sweat. This powerful fat cutter is one of the most commonly used spices in the Indian homes – Kalonji also known as Kale til, black seeds, black cumin seeds. These tiny black seeds have the power to help you lose weight without strict diets, rigorous exercises and expensive medication. Today, we will enrich your knowledge on Kalonji – its probable health benefits, its use as a weight loss aid and its recommended usage. We are sure that after today, you will no longer find losing weight a mighty challenge.

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About Kalonji

Kalonji is one of the oldest spices to be used by humans. Its association with the humans dates back to the era of early Egyptian Pharaohs. Its biological name is Nigella sativa. However, India being a multilingual land, this spice is called by many different names.

Common Languages Name
Hindi Kalonji – कलोंजी
English Black cumin or Fennel Flower
Marathi Kale Til – काळे तीळ
Bengali Mogrel – মোজারেলা
Gujrati Kalonji – કલોન્જી

Kalonji, although a seed very small in size, is loaded with many useful chemical components that together give it its typical aroma, flavor and medicinal properties. Researchers have been actively studying Kalonji and it has been reported that these seeds contain more than 100 medicinally useful chemical compounds, many of which are still being discovered.

The main components in Kalonji are nigellone and thymoquinone. Each seed contains about 35% of oil and almost 50 percent of these oils are essential fatty acids including arachidonic acid, linoleic acid, linolenic acid, myristic acid, oleic acid, palmitic acid, palmitoleic acid, and stearic acid. It also contains 21% of protein and houses about 15 amino acids that are vital for the body. Seeds also have 38% carbohydrates largely contributing to its crude fiber content. Apart from these, the seeds also have volatile oils, saponins, alkaloids and important minerals like potassium, calcium, iron, sodium, phosphorus and several Vitamins.


Health Benefits of Kalonji


We all know that Egyptians mummified their kings and queens and buried them in grand tombs with every possible thing that they could need in their next life. Won’t you find it surprising if one such king had a bottle of Kalonji oil placed among his necessities for the next life? Is Kalonji really that important? The fact is that the extraordinary medicinal properties of Kalonji have been utilized by almost every mega civilization that has lived before us. A Biblical Old Testament mentions about Kalonji. Prophet Mohammad has said that Kalonji is the cure to every illness except for death itself.

Even today, Kalonji is a part of household remedies for uncountable ailments in Asian and Arabic countries. Intrigued by all this, scientists and researchers have been extensively studying the health benefits of this wonder spice.

How Does Kalonji help in Weight Loss?

Kalonji is hugely acclaimed for its weight loss properties. It has been reported that a regular consumption of Kalonji helps in getting rid of abdominal fat. Kalonji’s weight loss efficiency is directly related to its blood sugar controlling property. It regulates the metabolism of carbohydrates in your body and thus, prevents you from untimely sugar cravings. It even controls the absorption of sugar from your diet. Experts say that by making a person cut down on sugar unknowingly, Kalonji helps a person to lose weight without making a major change in his diet pattern.

Not just this, Kalonji is also rich in dietary fibers and anti-oxidants that together help to clean the body of the waste and toxins. It stimulates digestion and other metabolic processes so that you get the most out of your meals. The seeds are also carminative i.e. they prevent bloating and gassiness. Fibers, as well as proteins, help to keep you full for long and thus curb your appetite.

Lastly, Kalonji is a mixture of essential fatty acids that help in lowering blood cholesterol and triglycerides level that also help in shedding off extra weight.

How to take Kalonji for Weight Loss?

Kalonji can be used either intact as seeds or as oil. It is entirely up to you to choose between seeds and oil. Seeds are comparatively cheaper as compared to oil and consuming tiny seeds also seems easier.



Recipe 1:

Ingredients: Kalonji Seeds, Honey, Lemon and some water

Procedure: Heat a glass of water till it gets a bit warm. To this, add a spoon of honey and around a quarter to half a lemon.. Now crush 3 to 5 mg of Kalonji seeds – this would be just about 5 to 10 seeds and add them to the mixture. Have this on an empty stomach every day. You will notice a visible difference in just a few days.

Recipe 2:

Ingredients: Kalonji Seeds and Lemon

Procedure: Take Kalonji Seeds, 50 to 100 grams and squeeze lemon over it. Use enough lemon juice so that the seeds are completely soaked and dipped in it. Put this under the sun to dry it. Do not heat the mixture. You need to dry it naturally. Store it in an air tight container once they have dried up completely. Now have 6 to 8 seeds every day in the morning, on an empty stomach, with a glass of warm water.



Recipe 1:

Ingredients: Kalonji Oil, Honey and Cinnamon Powder

Procedure: Take 15 ml of honey and add to this a small spoon of cinnamon powder. Mix well and add to this around 30 ml of Kalonji Oil. Mix it well so that the oil blends in perfectly with honey. Have this honey-cinnamon-oil mixture. Now lastly, have a glass of warm water. Do this every day, on an empty stomach, in the morning.

Recipe 2:

Ingredients: Kalonji Oil and a fruit juice of your choice

Procedure: Take a cup of freshly made fruit juice like orange, sweet lime, watermelon etc. To this add 1 teaspoon of Kalonji oil. Drink this every day in the morning on an empty stomach.

Other Health Benefits of Kalonji

Kalonji is very beneficial in controlling blood sugar levels and hence is a drug from heaven for diabetics. Journal of Ethnopharmacology has written that the seed extract is shown to reduce absorption of sugar from the intestine thus, reducing the Glycemic Index (GI) of a meal. Glycemic Index is basically the tendency of a food to raise the blood sugar after its consumption. The lower the GI, the better it is for diabetics. Bangladesh Journal of Pharmacology has stated that Kalonji extract protects the Langerhans cells in the pancreas that are responsible for producing insulin in the body. The anti-oxidants present in Kalonji Seeds protect the insulin producing cells in the pancreas from damage due to oxidation. Thymoquinone found in Kalonji can prevent the onset of both Type 1 and Type 2 diabetes.

How to use: Simply follow the recipe given above. Consume a few seeds or a few ml of oil on empty stomach. You may also add 2.5 ml of seed oil to a cup of black or green tea (without sugar) and have it regularly. Get yourself checked in a month to see the results.


Since, Kalonji seeds help in bringing down blood cholesterol, triglycerides, help in controlling blood sugar and has broncho-dialating properties; they help in controlling blood pressure and maintain a good heart health over all.

How to use: You may follow the recipe given above. You may also add 2.5 ml of the seed oil to your cup of green tea, normal tea, coffee or juice and have it twice a day for efficient control of your blood pressure.

Kalonji Oil is very beneficial to treat headaches. Thymoquinone, present in oil, is a potent anti-inflammatory and analgesic (pain killer). Hence, it could be the factor behind its use in headaches and migraine. Not just headache, Kalonji is also beneficial in relieving tooth aches and stomach cramps.

How to use: For pain relief, Kalonji oil is more beneficial as it can be applied directly to the site. For an immediate relief, simply apply the oil on the forehead and massage gently. You may warm up the oil a little for improved penetration. Warmth will also soothe the pain.

To prevent headaches or migraines, consume Kalonji seeds or oil, as mentioned above, daily. With time, the intensity and frequency will start subsiding.

Thymoquinone, as we mentioned is a great anti-inflammatory agent and hence, it helps in relieving joint pains. Be it knee or elbows, simply massaging with Kalonji oil gives relief in some time.

How to use: As mentioned above, massage the inflamed joints with warm Kalonji oil for relief. You may warm up the oil a little for improved penetration. Warmth will also soothe the pain.

To treat joint pains, consume Kalonji seeds or oil, as mentioned above, daily. This will lessen the inflammation considerably to improve joint mobility.

Kalonji has great anti-oxidant properties that can protect the hair from the disastrous effect of radicals and pollutants that lead to premature graying, hair fall, loss of luster and moisture. Massaging the scalp with Kalonji oil gives the hair an unmatchable shine and strength. It not only prevents hair fall but also promotes hair growth. It also helps to get rid of dandruff.

How to use: You can massage the scalp with Kalonji oil to reduce hair fall. Kalonji oil strengthens the hair roots. You may also mix the Kalonji oil with Olive Oil and Apple Cider Vinegar (equal proportions) and massage your hair with this mixture. Leave it for a couple of hours and then wash away. Olive is Oil is rich in vitamins and Apple Cider Vinegar is known to prevent hair loss, give luster and prevent dandruff. This is therefore a great hair tonic.

The oil is said to have anti acne properties. It is also shows to inhibit melanin production thus; it improves your skin complexion too. It also has great healing properties and helps in healing scars. Some studies have also shown that Kalonji oil is as effective as Betamethasone (a leading drug) in fighting eczema.

How to use: There are several recipes for Kalonji Oil that are beneficial for skin.


During an allergic or asthmatic attack, broncho-spasm is the most prominent reaction that leads to difficulty in breathing. Other allergic reactions are runny nose, itchiness, watery eyes, difficulty in swallowing etc. Nigellone in Kalonji is a potent bronchodialator as well as anti-spasmodic and thus helps in controlling allergic as well as asthmatic reactions. A regular consumption of the seed – be it in inhaling the oil vapors, applying the oil to chest and back before going to sleep or simply consuming the seeds every day, helps in lowering the onset and severity of the symptoms.

How to use: Take one spoon of Kalonji Oil and one spoon of honey and add it to one cup of warm water. Take this mixture in the morning and in the evening on empty stomach. With regular consumption, the severity and frequency of asthmatic attacks will subside.

Kalonji oil is loaded with enough components to rectify the excretory system that results in production of urine. Kalonji helps in alleviating burning in the urethra and cures passing puss with urine. It also helps in optimizing kidney functions. With regular usage, it prevents kidney stone formations, improves urine output and flushes toxins out of the body effectively.

How to use: Take half spoon of Kalonji Oil and two spoons of honey and add it to one cup of warm water. Take this mixture in the morning and in the evening on empty stomach. With regular consumption, the stone would dissolve and pass out in urine.

Kalonji is said to have a prominent stimulating effect on the bone marrow – long bone cavity responsible for the production of blood cells including the immune cells. It also boosts the production of interferon. These are a specific class of proteins that are released by cells that have been infected by pathogens. It therefore increases a body’s ability to combat diseases. Since, bone marrow also produces red blood cells; Kalonji is also beneficial for treating anemia. Pls mention …How to use it for enhancing immunity or what’s the recipe

How to use: Simply consume 4 to 5 seeds in the morning on empty stomach. YO may follow the recipes stated above. Even if you take it for weight loss, as long as Kalonji is entering your body, it will show all its effects. So at one point when you lose weight, your immunity is boosted simultaneously.

Kalonji is being studied by researchers for its potency against cancer. Kalonji has been shown to be effective against various types of cancer like lung, colon, prostrate, eye and even pancreatic cancer. However there isn’t enough evidence about its efficacy in humans.

Apart from this, it is also beneficial for women related disorders like dysmenorrhea (painful menstrual) and Leukorrhea (white discharge). It is also beneficial to help lactating mothers produce more milk.

Kalonji for pregnant and lactating women


Pregnancy: There are no documented evidences however the understanding so far has led to the conclusion that Kalonji interferes with the Uterus. It might promote Uterus contraction. If it does happen, can cause a miscarriage. It is therefore advisable to stop Kalonji administration during pregnancy.

Lactating mothers: Kalonji has a marked effect on milk production in mothers. Regular consumption of Kalonji, increase the quantity of milk in mothers. To use Kalonji for increasing mother’s milk, take one cup of warm milk and add a few drops of Kalonji oil to it. Have this twice a day for a week continuously. This will markedly improve the quality and quantity of milk.

Kalonji for children:

Kalonji is safe for children. It can support a child’s growth and development too. The only thing to be kept in mind is the dose. Dosage for a <12 years old child should be half of the adult dose. For an infant, the dose should be half of a child’s dose. Kalonji will help the child in developing a strong immunity, healthy vital organs and stamina.

Side Effects of Kalonji:

The benefits of these tiny seeds are innumerable. It is indeed one of the most powerful medicinal components in the natural world. It can not only help you to get rid of those extra kilos but can also promote an over-all healthier living. It is by far the cheapest and the most effective way to fitness. So get ready to spice up your way to weight loss and healthy living.

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