Who does not want to flaunt crisp 6 pack abs? This is probably the biggest motivation these days for a person to hit the gym. Be it Brad Pitt in the Fight Club or Shahrukh Khan in Om Shanti Om, be it Dwayne the Rock Johnson in the WWF ring or Amir Khan in Ghajni, our heroes have got us craving for abs. We all want to endorse a flat abdomen studded with abs just like our favorite celebs however, unlike them we do not have the luxury to spend dedicated hours in the gym or have a vigilant diet. Then is there no way for commoners like us to pave our ways to abs? We don’t have hours for the gym, extra money for personal trainers and guidance of a nutritionist for a dedicated diet. Is there any way to get abs without these? The answer is YES! You can get abs without spending hours at the gym. We will tell you today about the simple exercises that will get you abs even without leaving your sofa. This amazing workout routine is from darabee.com website that provides really effective workout routines.
The exercises we are going to tell you about especially focus on the abdominal muscles without involving any hardcore gyming or weight lifting. The routines work on the muscles in your abdomen, waist and legs thereby toning down your middle body and thighs. It not only burns the fat and flattens your stomach it also strengthens the muscles in your core. Even if you are a new comer when it comes to exercising, even if you have never entered a gym before, you can still do these routines pretty easily. Follow these 6 simple exercises while you are seated on your sofa and still get abs.
You have to perform the below mentioned exercises as follows
Level | Set | Repetitions In Each Set |
Level 1 | 3 Sets | 10 – 20 Reps |
Level 2 | 4 Sets | 10 – 20 Reps |
Level 3 | 5 Sets | 10 – 20 Reps |
- Leg Swings:
Method: Sit on the sofa with your feet resting on the ground down. Now lift your right leg up to the level of your knee. Make sure that the leg is stretched forward (do not bend the knee). Keep it in the air for a few seconds and then bring it down. Now do this with the left leg. Repeat this 20 times with both the legs.
Perform: Complete all the three levels for leg swings with a rest of just 2 minutes in between two levels.
- Knees Raise Hold:
Method: Sit on the sofa with your feet resting on the ground down. Keep your legs close to each other. Now lift both your knees up. Remember, you have to raise the knees up hence, do not stretch your legs. While lifting your knees, do not bend your back or lean forward or backward. You have to sit upright. Hold the knees up for a few seconds and bring them down. Repeat this 20 times.
Perform: Complete all the three levels for knees hold raise with a rest of just 2 minutes in between two levels.
- Knees to Elbow:
Method: Sit on the sofa with your feet resting on the ground down. Now lift your right knee and try to touch it with the left elbow. Make sure that you are sitting upright; do not bend your back, lean backwards or forward. Bring your right knee back to its original position and then do the same with your left knee. Repeat this 20 times with both the legs.
Perform: Complete all the three levels for Knees Hold with a rest of just 2 minutes in between two levels.
- Flutter Kicks:
Method: Sit on the sofa with your legs stretched out, slightly raised so that they do not touch the ground. Now move just your right leg up bringing it to the level of your knees and then bring it back. Now in the same way lift your left leg up. It is just like walking in the air, move your legs one after the other without bringing them to the ground. Repeat this 20 times with both the legs.
Perform: Complete all the three levels for Flutter Kicks with a rest of just 2 minutes in between two levels.
- Raised Leg Twists:
Method: Sit on the sofa with your legs stretched out and raised up so that they do not touch the ground. Keep your back upright. Now stretch your hands forward and hold them together. Now take your hands together to the right as much as you can without putting your legs on the ground. Now do the same on the left. Do this 10 times on both the sides.
Perform: Complete all the three levels for Raided Leg Twist with a rest of just 2 minutes in between two levels.
- Scissors:
Method: Sit on the sofa with your legs stretched out and raised up to the knee level. Now move the right leg over the left leg like a scissor. Hold this for a few seconds and then do the same with the left leg. Repeat this 10 times with both the legs.
Perform: Complete all the three levels for Scissors with a rest of just 2 minutes in between two levels.
Aren’t these routines simple? It’s just like the PT sessions at school. This easy sofa ab routine has been brought to you by darebee.com. For more such effective workouts do check out the website darebee.com. We are not saying that these would give you quick results. Remember there are no shortcuts to a good body. Do these daily with dedication and control your diet. Avoid junk food and having too much of oily and spicy items. Have plenty of water throughout the day. Follow these instructions and you will definitely see those abs springing up on your abdomen soon enough. Go for it…All the best!
Origianl Image from DAREBEE.com