Concentration curls isolate the biceps muscles completely. Its most effective biceps exercise to get core biceps size and shape. Form is very important for this workout. We have seen that many new beginner do not get this exercise correct. They either use their shoulder or they swing their elbow while lifting the arms. Another common mistake is taking more weight, as this workout completely isolated the biceps muscle, you should use lighter weight as compared to other biceps workout. Follow carefully the below workout movement.
Biceps Concentration Curls - Exercise Movement
Biceps Concentration Curls
Workout Step 1Workout Step 2Workout Step 3

Sit on the end of a bench with your thighs parallel to the floor and your body braced. Hold the back of your upper arm against your inner thigh and let your arm hang down. Rotate the palm of your hand until it is facing forward away from your thigh. You can touch your lower arms elbow to your thigh so that your elbow is stationary during the movement.

Curl the weight upward, making sure that your elbow does not move forward and that the back of your upper arm stays in contact with your inner thigh. Curl the weights forward while contracting the biceps as you breathe out. Only the forearms should move. Continue the movement until your biceps are fully contracted and the dumbbells are at shoulder level.

Pause once you have fully contracted your biceps to take your forearm to a 45-degree angle. Slowly begin to bring the dumbbells back to starting position as your breathe in.Return under control and finish the set
before repeating with your other arm.